what to eat during pregnancy

what to eat during pregnancy

When a woman hears the news of her being pregnant for the first time, she does not have a place of happiness. It is a wonderful time of any woman's life. A healthy diet during pregnancy is very important. At this time your body needs extra nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

In fact, you need 350-500 extra calories every day during 2 and 3 quarters The lack of significant nutrients can have a negative impact on the child's development.

Increased eating habits and increased weight gain increases the risk of gestational diabetes and pregnancy or birth complications. Healthy and nutritious food are very essential for you and your baby's health. It also helps in reducing weight after pregnancy.


what to eat during pregnancy

Some of the nutritious foods that are available during pregnancy are:

Dairy products during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to consume additional proteins and calcium for fetal development.

There are two types of high-quality proteins in dairy products: Casein and Whey. Dairy products are the best source of calcium and phosphorus, vitamin B, magnesium and zinc are found in high amounts.

Yoghurt, especially Greek yoghurt, is beneficial for pregnant women.

There is more calcium than any other dairy product. Some products also have probiotic bacteria that help in digestion.

People who are allergic to lactose intolerant, they may eat curd, particularly probiotic curd.

Taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy reduces the risk of complications like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, vaginal infections and allergies.


Legumes are good for pregnancy

In this group of food, there are lentil pulses, peas, legumes (beans), gram (chickpea), soya bean and peanuts.

Vegetables are excellent sources of legumes, fibre, protein, iron, folate (B9) and calcium, which require more body during pregnancy.

Folate is one of Vitamin B (B9). It is very important for the health of mother and fetus, especially during the first trimester.

Although most pregnant women do not consume enough folate.

This enhances the risk of malfunction of the nerve tube and the weight of the baby at birth. After insufficient intake of folate, the child becomes more prone to infection with diseases and diseases.

The beans contain high amounts of folate. A cup of lentil pulses, gram or black beans, 65-90 per cent of the recommended dietary allowance for pregnant women can be obtained.

In addition, the beans contain a lot of amount in fibre. Iron, magnesium and potassium are also found in high amounts in some.

Sweet Potato benefits for pregnancy

Beta-carotene is found in abundance in sweet potato. It is a compound derived from plants that change into the body vitamin A.

Vitamin A is essential for physical growth, as well as it is important for the division of cells and tissues and the development of healthy embryos.

Pregnant women are generally advised to increase intake of 10-40% vitamin A. Although they are advised to avoid excessive consumption of animal-based Vitamin A sources, which can cause toxicity due to excessive eating. Therefore beta-carotene is an important source of vitamin A for pregnant women.

By consuming baked peanuts, the prescribed food quantity (RDI) is around 100-150 grams. Apart from this, the sweet potato also contains fibre, which increases the fullness, reducing the blood sugar and improving digestive health and mobility.

Eating eggs during pregnancy is good

Eggs play a key role in healthy eating because they contain almost every essential nutrient in a small amount.

A large egg contains 77 calories. At the same time, high-quality protein and fat are also present and many vitamins and minerals are also found in it.

The egg is a good source of the colon (Choline - essential for fat metabolism, Vitamin B component). Colleen is important for many processes in the body such as brain development and health.

During pregnancy, low-calorie intake increases the likelihood of the defect of the nerve tube and the ability of the brain to function.

A whole egg contains approximately 113 milligrams of collagen, which is about 25% of the recommended food volume for pregnant women.

Broccoli and green leafy vegetables reduce the risks in pregnancy

Broccoli, green vegetables like black (one type of cabbage) and spinach contain many nutrients which are essential for pregnant women.

These contain abundant fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium.

In addition, broccoli and leafy greens are rich in antioxidants. There are also compounds found in plants which benefit in the immune system and digestion.

Due to high amounts of fibre in them, these vegetables also help prevent constipation. Which is a very common problem in pregnant women.

Consumption of green leafy vegetables reduces the risk of losing the weight of the baby at birth.


Without the fat meat, remove iron deficiency in pregnancy

Meat and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein.

Iron, Colleen and vitamin B are abundant in those which are essential in high doses during pregnancy.

Iron is an essential mineral used by red blood cells (haemoglobin) which is important for transmitting oxygen to all the cells in the body.

Pregnant women need more iron because they increase blood volume. This is especially important during the third quarter.

During initial and mid-pregnancy, anaemia can occur due to a decrease in iron level, which doubles the risk of weight loss prior to delivery and birth.

It can be difficult to meet iron requirements only from the diet, especially when pregnant women hate meat.

Although women who eat red meat regularly, they can meet the iron requirement from the diet.

Foods which are rich in Vitamin C such as oranges or Bell Peppers etc. help to increase the absorption of iron from food.

The cod liver oil contains omega 3 fatty acids

Cod liver is made from liver, cod liver.

This oil is enriched with omega 3 fatty acid EPA and DHA, which is essential for the development of the fetal brain and eye.

Vitamin D is also present in excess quantity in cod liver oil, which is not enough in many people. This can be extremely beneficial for those who do not consume regular seafood, omega 3 or vitamin D.

Low intake of vitamin D increases the risk of pre-eclampsia. This complexity is due to high BP, swelling of the hands and feet and urine in the urine.

During the initial pregnancy, consumption of cod liver oil will reduce the child's low weight and later the chances of getting sick with life in the child's life.

The daily requirement of Omega-3, Vitamin D and Vitamin A is metabolic by consuming one-tbsp of cod liver oil.

However, more than one teaspoon of cod liver per day is forbidden to be consumed as much vitamin A can be dangerous for the embryo. An excess of omega-3 levels can also dilute the blood.

Berries good for pregnancy

Berries are rich in water, carbohydrate, vitamin C, fibre and compounds of plants.

These contain high amounts of vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron in the body.

Vitamin C is also important for the skin and immune system.

Berry's glycemic index (Glycemic index- a carbohydrate-containing food that is the measure of the effect of our blood sugar) is relatively low, this does not increase blood sugar suddenly.

Berry is also a nutritious breakfast as it contains both water and fibre, which provide both taste and nutrition with the low-calorie intake.

Whole grains are important to the fetus

Eating whole grains helps in the number of calories required in pregnancy. Which is especially necessary during the second and third quarters.

Compared to refined grains, the compounds of whole grains fibre, vitamins and plants are rich.

Oats and Quinoa have good amounts of protein, which is important during pregnancy.

In addition, whole grains are also present in vitamin B, fibre and magnesium. All these elements often decrease in pregnant women.

Avocado is good for pregnant women

Avocado is an unusual fruit because it contains many monounsaturated fatty acids.

They contain fibre, vitamin B (specifical folate), vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C etc. (Read more - Benefits of drinking water in copper utensils)

Due to the high amount of healthy fats, folate and potassium in avocado, this is a very good option for pregnant women.

Helps in the formation of healthy fats, embryonic skin, brain and tissues, and folate helps to prevent neural tube-related problems.

Potassium helps in removing leg cramps, which in some women have a side-effect of pregnancy. Avocado actually has more potassium than a banana.

Dry fruits are beneficial during pregnancy

Dried fruits are usually rich in calories, fibre and various vitamins and minerals.

The amount of nutrients present in a piece of dried fruit is equal to the nutrients present in fresh fruit.

Thus, by taking a piece of dry fruit, the quantity of many vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron and potassium, is met.

Dried berries are rich in fibre, potassium, vitamins and sorbitol. They are natural medicines and help in relief from constipation.

Dates of fibre, potassium, iron and plants are found in the greater quantity of dates. Regular consumption of dates during the third trimester helps in the growth of cervix, which facilitates delivery.

However, natural sugar is also found in high quantities in dry fruits. At the same time, they also help in increasing the number of calories and nutritious intake.

Bladder cancer

Drink lots of water during pregnancy

During pregnancy, blood volume increases to 1.5 litres. Therefore, staying hydrated at this time becomes even more important.

If you do not consume enough water then you may have dehydration.

A headache, anxiety, fatigue, poor mood and memory loss are the main causes of light dehydration.

In addition, consuming excessive water removes the problem of constipation and can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections which is common during pregnancy.

Normal guidelines are recommended to drink 2 litres of water per day, but in reality, the required quantity of each person is different.

According to an estimate, you should drink about 1-2 litres of water per day. Keep in mind that you can get water from other food items and drinks such as fruit, vegetables, coffee and tea.

So, guys, this is my own what to eat during pregnancy,  I hope you final article helpful for you please do share comments you thought about this all what to eat during pregnancy. Thank you!
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