constipation: Having constipation means having trouble in secretion or getting less stool than normal. Constipation is a condition in which the digestive system of the person gets damaged, due to which the food which he eats cannot be digested. This is usually not serious.
Constipation is the state of change of intestines, in which the amount of stool removal decreases, the stool becomes tight, its speed decreases or the excess force has to be used during the removal of the stool. The pace of bowel movement is different in every person. But it is too long to go away for more than 3 days in the week. In this, constipation becomes a condition in which bowel movement becomes difficult and more difficult.
Constipation Symptoms
People suffering from constipation do not go for excretion every day, which increases their discomfort and is more difficult in dehydration.
Such people's tongue becomes white or tidy and the taste of the mouth also gets spoiled. Also, stomach odours begin to appear as well.
Constipation patients do not feel hungry, as well as the situation of nausea and vomiting persists.
After going to the bathroom, incomplete bowel movements, abdominal bloating or stomachache etc. also come in the symptoms of constipation.
Constipation Causes
Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water; This can happen when the colon muscles gradually get infected, there is a shortage of water in the body and the lack of water starts drying the stool in the intestine, which is difficult in bowel movement.
1. Lack of Fiber Cause Composition
People with a good amount of fibre in the diet have less chance of suffering from constipation.
Consumption of foods rich in fibre such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains is important. Fibre promotes the function of the intestine and prevents constipation.
2. Physical inactivity is due to constipation
If any person is physically inactive then it can be constipated.
If the person who has spent a long time on the bed (for several days or weeks), then the risk of constipation increases significantly. Some experts believe that physical activity keeps our metabolism high, which causes processes in our body more rapidly.
Life is more sedentary than older people, and therefore the risk of constipation is higher in them. Physically active people are less likely to suffer from constipation compared to passive people.
3. Constipation Caused by Medication
The most common medicines which cause the cause of constipation are:
Narcotic painkillers include oxycodone and hydromorphone.
Amitriptyline and imipramine.
Anticonvulsants that contain phenytoin and carbamazepine iron supplements.
Calcium channel blocking medicines, which include diltiazem and nifedipine.
4. Constipation Caused by Milk
Some people may be constipated after consuming more milk and dairy products.
5. Constipation related to Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings hormonal changes which can make a woman more susceptible to constipation. Apart from this, the uterus can compress the intestine, which can slow the food way.
6. Increasing age is the cause of constipation
As we grow up, our metabolism slows down, which results in diminished activity.
7. Change in Routine Causes Constipation
When we travel, there are changes in our normal routine. Which has an effect on our digestive system, which sometimes constitutes constipation? Do not eat food on time, sleep on time or wake up etc. All these changes can increase the risk of constipation.
8. Overuse of Laxatives Causing Constipation
Some people believe that we should go to the toilet at least once a day, but this is not true. But once a few people use a laxative to go to the toilet.
Laxatives are effective to help in the functioning of your heart. Although the use of lacquetive regularly makes the body addicted to it, which requires a gradual increase of dose. If you stop suddenly after being dependent on lactose, then the risk of constipation increases.
9. Delaying Bowel Movements Cause Constipation
As soon as the velocity of secretion comes, it should go immediately for defecation. During the day, we start to velvety of stool, at that time we can not go for defecation due to our busy workplace or for any other reason. Due to long-term delay, the stool starts drying, which can then be difficult during a bowel movement.
10. Constipation Caused by Dehydration
If constipation is already present, then drinking more fluids cannot relieve them. However, drinking plenty of water on a regular basis reduces the risk of constipation.
Many soda and drink contain caffeine which can cause dehydration, which can lead to more constipation and constipation. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, so those people should avoid alcohol consumption, which are susceptible to constipation.
11. Constipation Related Diseases
Due to slowing the functioning of the stool through the colon, rectum or anus, the disease can cause constipation:
Those who suffer from Irrelevant Bowel Syndrome (IBS), they have more constipation than others.
Neurological disorders - MS (multiple sclerosis), Parkinson's disease, stroke, spinal cord injury
Endocrine and Metabolic Conditions - Urmia, Diabetes, Hypercalcemia, Poor Glycemic Control, Hypothyroidism
Systemic Diseases - These are diseases that affect many organs and tissues or affect the whole body, including lupus, scleroderma, amyloidosis.
Cancer - mainly due to pain medicines and chemotherapy
Prevention of constipation
It is very painful when the stool gets stuck in your intestines and requires lots of strength and energy to take out every cell of your stool. And sometimes even after putting too much pressure, the stool does not get stuck. But now you do not need to worry, you can make permanent solutions of constipation by changing your diet and lifestyle.
1. Diet Plan for Constipation
Constipation is a digestive disorder, and for the treatment and prevention of constipation, the diet plays a key role. By taking nutritious diet on a regular basis, the problem of constipation can be reduced or completely eliminated.
Foods to Eat in Constipation
Increase fibre intake in your diet and keep yourself hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day to clean the colon. Eat only easily digestible food to support your digestive system. Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Guava, oranges, apples, spinach, mushrooms, cabbage, radish etc. are very beneficial in constipation. Make salads an important part of your diet. Mix spices like cumin, turmeric and celery in your food.
Foods to Avoid in Constipation
Avoid the consumption of fatty products because products made from flour make your constipation worse. Avoid eating more oil, spicy and heavy meats. Remove the coffee, alcohol and cold drinks from your diet. Pasteurized milk and refined starch enhance constipation, so avoid them. Reduce the intake of milk and dairy products.
2. Remove constipation from exercise
Exercise to remove constipation is as important as food. Avoid sitting for a long time and walking around a bit. Yoga practices such as Pawan Muktasan, Dhanurasan, Vrajasana can do miracles in case of constipation.
3. Change Sleeping Habits for Constipation
Early in the morning and go on a trip. Avoid waking up late in the night and drink a glass of warm water before sleeping. Put the habit of going to the toilet only in the morning. Not long for the desire to go to the toilet, otherwise, it can cause constipation.
Constipation can be easily prevented by changing diet and lifestyle. Take these changes in your life and reduce the struggle of your digestive system against constipation.
Diagnosis of constipation
Medical history - There are many diagnostics available to check severe constipation. First doctors will take your medical history and perform physical tests so that they can know what kind of occupation you have.
Physical examination - Physical examination can be detected about those diseases that have been constipated.
And many types of tests are available to those who did not make any difference with any kind of treatment. Such as -
1. Blood test - Blood tests can also be found to know about your condition. More specifically, blood tests will help in the treatment of thyroid hormones and calcium.
2. X-ray of the abdomen - An abdominal X-ray reveals the substance in your stomach, the more severe constipation, the higher it will appear on the X-ray.
3. Barium enema - This shows that the bowel and rectum are working properly or not.
4. Colonic transit (marker) studies - Colonics transit studies are simple studies. In which it is known how much time the food is taking to get out of the bowel.
5. Defecography - Defraphography is a transformation of barium enema testing.
6. Ano-rectal motility studies - Anorectal Mobility Study is a supplement of defecography, which describes the determination of the pulse and rectum vein and muscular function.
7. Magnetic resonance imaging defecography - This is a great way to study the activity of sterilization.
Constipation Treatment
How to treat constipation?
Long-standing constipation is often treated with changes in diet and lifestyle. So that constipation can be cured. If these changes do not help, then the doctor will ask for medicines. And if the medicines do not make any difference then the surgery is done to cure constipation.
1. Changes in diet and lifestyle - Doctor advises making the following changes that will bring relief in constipation -
- Increasing the amount of fibre in the diet - increasing the amount of fibre in the diet will increase the weight of the stool, which will cure the constipation problem.
- Exercise - Physical activity enhances the activity of our bowel muscles. Try to exercise as often as you can.
- Stopping the stool - Do not prevent yourself from discharging.
2. Laxatives - Laxatives of many methods are present. Every laxative works in different ways to ease the bowel movements. The following options over the counter are present -
- Fibre supplement - Fiber makes the stool heavy.
- Lubricant - Lubricants such as mineral oil help to remove stool from the stomach.
- Stool softeners that soften the stool - Softening the stools, such as the document sodium (coles) docusate sodium (Colace), removes water from the bowel and swallows the stool.
- Enema and suppositories - Sodium phosphate (Fleet) Sodium phosphate (Fleet), becomes stool soft. And provides for the discharge. Glycerin also becomes stool soft.
3. Exercise with pelvic muscles - Doctors exercise pelvic muscles, which makes our pelvis muscle stronger and becomes easy to relieve bowel movements.
4. Surgery - The people who did not have any difference in restraint from all other treatments. They have the option of extracting part of the stomach by surgery. The need to remove the entire stomach by surgery is rarely done.
5. Alternative Medicine - Some people also carry medicines as well as alternative remedies, so that they can cure their constipation. The use of probiotics such as lactobacillus can also bring rest in constipation.
Medicines for Constipation
There are many medicines available for constipation. But keep in mind that without consulting the doctor, please do not take any medicines. By taking medicines without the advice of a doctor, your health can be seriously damaged.
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